Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Sad Sad Dance at Copenhagen

The sad patterns of human behaviour that have persisted over the past hundreds of years still govern our actions today, despite the veneer of of "education and civilisation" that many of us have put on.

In the good old days of the past, countries that had the might simply took what they wanted from other countries that could not resist them.

If a strong country needed a large, very cheap labour force, they went to other countries, and forcefully took those citizens as their slaves, and did what they wanted to.

If a strong country wanted a cheap supply of raw materials, well it just went ahead and "colonised" that country and simply took what it needed, in the way that suited it best.

Nowadays, however the world today has become a lot less simple. There are global bodies, free press, values like democracy - all of them preventing powerful countries from simply and directly doing what they need to do.

Therefore we witness the strange dances that take place at meetings like Copenhagen.

We see powerful countries that are very clear about what they want - low cost development and higher economic growth rates. Since they have the commercial means to manage most of the adverse impacts of climate change, they are not fundamentally concerned.What is however making them very upset is the fact that they need to make actual compromises and spend real money whereas they had been used to just talking and making grand gestures while forcing others to do their dirty work for them.

Therefore we see them making all the right statements, but resisting all real action.

We see desperate attempts to do anything, anything at all, to pass on the real burden to others less capable of resisting, while appearing to be doing everything.

Yes - indeed, the old mindsets still rule.

Shift dirty industries to developing nations.

Then force them to take on steep environmental targets.

Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.




  1. Should we be surprised if every country is furthering is own interest?

    Its just another set of trade talks. Only the offerings are different.

  2. Anupan my old friend. I could not agree more. If you do a small calculation, if the population continues to grow and if we have to give this new people the same level of live and dignity we have today, taking into account our growth of past 2 centureis, in 100 years there is nothing left behind. It is sad to think that this is not going to happen cause the humans that are coming WILL NOT have the same opportunities, life standard and dignity we had. And it is very difficult to change that reality. Your blog is fantanstic. Congratulations on your move, hope to be one day with you travelling around India. All the best, Alvaro.

  3. Very well put fatman! As one of the Indian negotiators put it- India has such a low per-capita carbon emission because 80% of our population lives in grinding, shameful poverty. While I certainly feel we should do our bit, and there is a HUGE scope for making our existing power plants, cars, buildings etc more eco-friendly, and we SHOULD be doing it, cutting or freezing our existing emission level basically presupposes that while the upper 20% of our population becomes more eco-friendly, the remaining 80% continues in painful poverty (i.e. in a 'super' eco-friendly state) FOR ETERNITY - that efforts aren't made to pull them up - NOW or EVER.

    In other words, what those fat, oily westerners are saying is:-
    look fellers, we'll move from a big SUV to a smaller SUV - meanwhile you fellers - why don't you go back to your huts or caves or wherever you crawled out from? Then we'll both achieve 5% reduction. What could be fairer than that?

  4. Interesting read Anupam.
    But I feel people make up countries and the real movement and shift has to begin from the people. The mindsets have to be aligned, perceptions have to be changed and awareness has to spread...each mind can make a difference. And blogs and enterpreneurs like you are needed in bulk:)
    Keep at it and keep rocking.
    Loads of luck:)
